java -jar -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.dir=~/kolmafia -Duser.home=~/kolmafia ~/kolmafia/KoLmafia.jar --CLI
acquire [#] <itemname>
(acquire 5 insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito)
acquire [#] worthless item
(acquire 3 worthless item)
acquire [#] worthless item with clover
(acquire 3 worthless item with clover)
hermit <#> <itemname>
eat [#] <itemname>
(eat 5 spectral pickle)
drink [#] <itemname>
(drink 3 grogtini)
use [#] <itemname>
(use 1 31337 scroll)
buy [#] <itemlist>
(buy 1 buffing spray, 1 learning pill, 3 tiny plastic fuzzy dice)
make [#] <itemname>
(make 20 philter of force)
untinker <itemname>
autosell [#] <itemlist>
(autosell * meat stack, * dense meat stack)
conditions add <parameter>
(conditions add 6 goat cheese)
[#] <itemname>
This parameter is used for item conditions. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given number of the item is acquired through actions made by KoLmafia. If no number is specified, KoLmafia will assume one of an item is desired.
[#] choiceadv
This parameter is used when you want to use choice adventures as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given number of choice adventures are encountered and processed according to the user's settings. Note that ignoring a choice adventure will not result in this counter decrementing, so be sure that none of your choice adventure settings are ignored when using this option.
level <#>
This parameter is used when you want to use the acquisition of the given level as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever enough of the player's primary stat is achieved to reach the given level. For example, specifying "level 5" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has enough stat points in their primary stat to qualify them for level 5.
<#> muscle
This parameter is used when you want to use the muscle stat as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given muscle stat is achieved. For example, specifying "13 muscle" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has at least 13 in their muscle stat. The "muscle" keyword may be abbreviated to "mus".
<#> mysticality
This parameter is used when you want to use the mysticality stat as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given mysticality stat is achieved. For example, specifying "13 mysticality" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has at least 13 in their mysticality stat. The "mysticality" keyword may be abbreviated to "mys" or "myst".
<#> moxie
This parameter is used when you want to use the moxie stat as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given moxie stat is achieved. For example, specifying "13 moxie" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has at least 13 in their moxie stat. The "moxie" keyword may be abbreviated to "mox".
<#> health
This parameter is used when you want to use the amount of health you have remaining as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given amount of health is reached. For example, specifying "10 health" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has at least 10 health remaining.
<#> mana
This parameter is used when you want to use the amount of mana you have remaining as a condition. KoLmafia will automatically remove the condition whenever the given amount of mana is reached. For example, specifying "10 mana" will notify KoLmafia to continue adventuring until the user has at least 10 mana remaining.Note that these conditions are affected by nearly every action that you take, but are only considered "halting" when you're adventuring. In that sense, it's possible to add a condition to the list of conditions and have it satisfied before you ever adventure if you should purchase the item from the mall, for example.
conditions check
conditions clear
conditions list
mood <moodname>
(mood apathetic)
mood execute
mood clear
mood autofill
trigger <type>, <name> <action>
(trigger gain_effect, Beaten Up, adventure 1 moxie vacation)
send <itemlist> to <recipient>
(send 1 valentine, * tiny plastic fuzzy dice to holatuwol)
csend <itemlist> to <recipient>
(csend 1 meat to testudinata)
closet <take/put> [#] <itemlist>
(closet put * baseball, * barbed-wire fence)
hagnk [#] <itemlist>
(hagnk 3 canned air, 17000 meat)
stash [take|put] [#] <itemname>
(stash put * red pixel potion)
display <take|put> [#] <itemname>
(display take * lime)
zap <itemname>
(zap firecracker)
pulverize [#] <itemname>
(pulverize blank white card)
mallsell [#] <itemname> @ <price> limit <limit>
(mallsell 1 mr. accessory @ 5,000,000 limit 0)
equip <itemname>
(equip wizard hat)
equip <slotname> <itemname>
(equip acc1 bonerdagon necklace)
remove <itemname>
(remove tiny plastic)
remove <slotname>
(remove off-hand)
familiar [familartype]
(familiar cheshire)
outfit [outfitname]
(outfit harem)
adventure [#] <location>
(adventure 5 moxie vacation)
rest [#]
(rest 3)
relax [#]
(relax 4)
galaktik <hp/mp>
restore <hp/mp>
cast [#] <skillname> [on <targetname>]
(cast 5 smile on Veracity)
uneffect <effectname>
(uneffect beaten up)
mcd <setting>
(mcd 11)
donate <heroname> <amount>
(donate jarlsberg 31,337)
buffbot [#]
(buffbot 10000)
clan snapshot
clan stashlog
train <goaltype> <goalvalue>
(train buffed 20)
field harvest
field pick <#>
(field pick 12)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
field plant <#> <sporetype>
(field plant 3 spooky mushroom)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
field show
Loads the KoLmafia interface chat
Loads the chat engine Loads the mail reader event
Loads the recent events display compose
Loads the kmail composer gift
Loads the gift composer item
Loads the item manager clan
Loads the clan manager gear
Loads the gear changer pvp
Loads the flower hunter relay
Loads the relay browser forums
Loads the KoL forums in a browser
verify <filename>
(verify bugged_script.ash)
call [#] <filename>
(call healing_script.ash)
using <filename>
(using new_commands.ash)
repeat [#]
abort [message]
(abort We've got a problem, Houston.)
wait [#]
(wait 60)
mirror <filename>
(mirror cli_output.txt)
debug <on/off>
echo <message>
(echo World domination, baby.)
status refresh
lookup <itemname>
(lookup tiny plastic grue)
survival <location>
(survival hole in the sky)
inv [filter]
(inv tiny plastic)
summary [filename]
(summary droprate_20060101.txt)
encounters [filename]
(encounters adventures_20060101.txt)
searchmall <itemname>
(searchmall pickle)
session [filename]
(session kolcli_helper.txt)
get <settingname>
(get autoSatisfyChecks)
set <settingname>=<settingvalue>
(set battleAction=lunging thrust-smack)
and while
) and allows for six different conditional operators (==
, !=
, >=
, <=
, >
, <
).if class is <classname>
if class is not <classname>
if skill list contains <skillname>
if skill list lacks <skillname>
if bounty hunter wants <itemname>
if today is <statname> day
if tomorrow is <statname> day